Monday, January 9, 2006
So there I was, reading DevraDoWrite's post called Today, Yesterday, or Tomorrow? in which she talks about "living in the moment, enjoying, savoring and fully experiencing the now" and issues a (well-advised) conclusion that we should "remember and learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow". As I was reading, what to my wondering eye should appear but an alert that I had an email . . . which turned out to be from someone who had been a very close friend and pretty much broke my heart when he married someone else. But he was awesome and he's apparently been married all these decades and holding grudges isn't good for you (right?) so I can't wait to talk with him again. And may I say how odd it is to be old enough to say things like "thirty years ago"? Serendipity really is real. And amazing.

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Permalink | | posted by jau at 2:41 PM

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Anonymous Anonymous — at 9:45 PM, April 09, 2011:
I think of you often and never meant to bring pain. I hope you're ok.

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