Thursday, September 18, 2008
Can I say how sick I am of hearing people quote Carly Fiorina's statement about Palin not having enough experience to be a CEO? What she actually said - and how many times will this have to be corrected??? - was that none of the four candidates has enough experience to run a company. She didn't make the point felicitously nor did she phrase it so it would avoid being misquoted, unfortunately. I guess she couldn't be an advertising copywriter, right? The far more important point, however, is that Fiorina said that neither Obama nor McCain - the two candidates for president - do not have the experience to run a company. Is it relevant? Is the United States a company? In some ways, I suppose, but not one for one. And in any case, Fiorina's disparagement of Palin, if it really was disparagement and not simply a statement of fact, equally applies to Biden, McCain and Obama.

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