Monday, September 22, 2008
Kinda makes you wonder
Could Bill Clinton be sincere when he says he "gets" why Sarah Palin is so popular (article here)?  Let me rephrase that.  I believe he understands her popularity because his popularity is at least partly based on the same ordinary-person identifications as hers.

I think he's might be saying this because he wants to lower the volume on the democrats' attacks so sympathy and defensiveness don't send voters flocking to Palin.  Or he might be saying it so people look more kindly on Palin and vote for McCain and put him in office for that famous one term before Hillary runs in 2012.  Either way, don't you have to smile when you read what he said, for all kinds of reasons?
"My view is ... why say, ever, anything bad about a person? Why don't we like them and celebrate them and be happy for her elevation to the ticket? And just say that she was a good choice for him and we disagree with them?"
Kind of applies to him and to Hillary, too, doesn't it?  How calmly generous, right?  Sure, let's acknowledge each other's strengths and go on from there.  But then why did Hillary refuse to speak at the U.N. on tomorrow's panel when it turned out Palin was speaking too.  She said some nonsense about partisanship but in this spirit of generous acknowledgement, it would have been much better to spin it as unpartisan because they both were speaking.  As I say at least a hundred times a day (okay, maybe sometimes it's only ten times), if the noise and ridiculousness and lies were removed, then the voters could listen to the issues and decide who they really want to elect.

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