If he is in any way aware of such things, Henry VIII must be spinning in his grave like a router blade - his and Catherine's daughter Mary would simply have been his successor and oh so many heads wouldn't have needed to be felled.
Despite low approval ratings, Gordon Brown may have a permanent place in history, after all.
Maybe you should visit her and I'll go over while you're there! That's be a kick, to meet you in London instead of L.A.!
That's very interesting about Marnie - Now I'll have to go watch it again!! :)
Best to you too.
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I'll let you know when we hear one way or the other if she's going. It would be great to get your recommendations since my experience is so outdated (although happily some things never change there!). She is a big theater fan and one of the biggest -- if not the biggest -- draws for her is the chance to see a lot of theater.
Best wishes,
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Completely unrelated: remember how we were wondering about the symbolism of the color yellow in MARNIE? My daughter had a chance to ask Dr. Casper (who holds the Hitchcock Chair at USC) and he said the yellow stands for "sickness and disease." Interesting!
Best wishes,
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