Thursday, September 25, 2008
The times they are a changing
The British government has proposed some earth-shatteringly major changes to accession to the throne of England. Among (of course I meant to say "amongst") them are that Roman Catholics could be king or queen and that the first-born child of a reigning monarch would be his or her heir regardless of its gender and that the Privvy Council's powers be limited especially where Scotland and Wales are concerned. These are astonishing changes to conventions that have been in effect since late in the seventeenth century (yes, that's over three hundred years ago), a mere snap of the fingers in the duration of the universe but a very long time in British history.

If he is in any way aware of such things, Henry VIII must be spinning in his grave like a router blade - his and Catherine's daughter Mary would simply have been his successor and oh so many heads wouldn't have needed to be felled.

Despite low approval ratings, Gordon Brown may have a permanent place in history, after all.

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Permalink | | posted by jau at 9:19 AM

3 more:
Blogger Laura — at 6:12 PM, September 25, 2008:
As a longtime "royalty watcher," this is a fascinating story. Thanks so much. My daughter may possibly be spending spring semester in London...we'll know in a few weeks.

Completely unrelated: remember how we were wondering about the symbolism of the color yellow in MARNIE? My daughter had a chance to ask Dr. Casper (who holds the Hitchcock Chair at USC) and he said the yellow stands for "sickness and disease." Interesting!

Best wishes,

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Blogger jau — at 6:18 PM, September 25, 2008:
That's fantastic about your daughter maybe spending a semester in London!!!!! I "lived" there for two 8-week teaching stints in 1998 and 2001 (I was there on 9/11), and visited a lot as a child with my professor father. It is one of the THE best places in the world. Inexpensive theater, fantastic transportation, easy to walk around everywhere and any time, lots of fascinating things to do . . . If she does get to go, I'll recommend some of my favorite places and things, if you'd like (if she'd like). What's her major that London fits in?!?!

Maybe you should visit her and I'll go over while you're there! That's be a kick, to meet you in London instead of L.A.!

That's very interesting about Marnie - Now I'll have to go watch it again!! :)

Best to you too.

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Blogger Laura — at 11:25 AM, September 26, 2008:
I envy you your extended time in England, Anne! I haven't been there since the year before our daughter was born. (grin) My husband and I are going to apply for passports, which expired quite a while ago -- we figured that way we'd be ready for anything. I would dearly love to be able to visit her there (wouldn't it be fun if we could meet?!) but I'm not sure it will be in the financial cards. You never know, though!!

I'll let you know when we hear one way or the other if she's going. It would be great to get your recommendations since my experience is so outdated (although happily some things never change there!). She is a big theater fan and one of the biggest -- if not the biggest -- draws for her is the chance to see a lot of theater.

Best wishes,

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