Friday, October 3, 2008
Vice prez debate afterwords
Thanks for participating! I'll leave this up through the weekend.

Who do you think won the debate?
Biden by a mile
Palin by a mile
Biden by a small amount
Palin by a small amount
It was a tie
I didn't watch free polls

Did the vice presidential debate
change your opinion?
(multiple answers allowed)
Like Biden more now
Like Palin more now
Like Biden less now
Like Palin less now
Feel the same about them as I did before free polls


Permalink | | posted by jau at 8:51 AM

1 more:
Blogger rel — at 4:53 PM, October 03, 2008:
First, Sarah Palin distinguished herself as those of us who saw her wow the GOP convention knew she would. She showed the world why she has repeatedly been elected to public office and why she is electrifyingly popular with the residents of Alaska.

Sen. Biden did pretty well also in last nights debate. He IS quite a likable old fellow and a captivating story teller. He too is very personable. In fact, if you like and want politics as usual, he did exceptionally well. He's had 35+ years of practice dazzeling us with brillance or baffling us with bull dung.

She disappointed SNL, and Katie Couric and all the other folks who sincerely wished she'd fall flat on her face. The barrage of denigrating press rolled off her like rain off a swan, and her abilities shone through. She showed that she can see the good in her rivals they however do not possess the same attribute.

If we have to tolerate more years of Sen. Biden in the senate, then let's make sure he has to look at VP Palin presiding!

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