Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election day
This country has many millions of people.  At times it seems that each of us has different ideas and different convictions from everyone else. That is the marvel of America.  That somehow we have so many differences and yet have a government that works (sometimes better than others, needless to say) and a social fabric in which most of us proceed through daily life even occasionally successfully and happily is just amazing.  Cheers!


Permalink | | posted by jau at 2:28 PM

2 more:
Blogger Laura — at 12:45 PM, November 26, 2008:
Hope all is going well with you -- you are missed! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Best wishes,

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Blogger Unknown — at 6:22 PM, November 28, 2008:
It is a great thing indeed! After seeing the results of November fourth let us just hope that the liberal illuminati who now control the executive branch will do what is right for our country!

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