Thursday, December 4, 2008
Chocolate for coughs
I have recently been reliably informed that chocolate may help relieve intense coughs.  How magnificent is that?!  It's meant to be dark chocolate, of course.  Here are a couple of links about this: here and here.  Even the sometimes skeptical Dr Weil says it might work (here).

As someone who has always gagged on cough syrups (have you ever tried Buckley's?!?), I am thrilled to learn that there are even chocolate cough drops such as this.

Everyone seems to agree that efficacy depends on it being good quality chocolate with 70-80% cocoa content.  I think I can bear up under that strain.

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Permalink | | posted by jau at 12:59 PM

1 more:
Anonymous Anonymous — at 3:28 AM, December 07, 2008:
I didn't know that. Works for me.

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