Monday, December 29, 2008
Out with the old, in with the new
It's almost fifty hours until 2009 and if the year can start anew then so can I. Heck, the country's government will be new in three weeks, too. Not that I'm disavowing anything I said previously (archived here) but I need a change if I'm going to keep at this blogging - and I'd really like to. I'm not entirely sure how I want to change things so the appearance won't change much (at least for now) and anyway goodness knows it took me long enough to arrive at this look.

I'm going to clear out bunches of the links since I doubt anyone but me uses them anyway. I use them like browser bookmarks and they'll be available on the archived blog if I must have them and I won't clear out the ones I use most of the time.

Anyway, it's a year with an almost prime number - okay, a number is either prime or not but 2009 is not a prime number only by virtue of being divisible by 1 and 7 and 7 is richly prime so I'm going with "almost prime" and purists can yell all they want.

So: so long and bye-bye to 2008 and onward to 2009.

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Permalink | | posted by jau at 1:49 PM

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