Thursday, September 18, 2008
I think there must be a few Calvinist bones lurking in my body because it always feels like giving in if I even consider admitting I'm sick. But after a coughy and sneezy night, I took a sick day today, my first this year. The plan is to watch some of the Kay Francis movies I've recorded and see how much chicken soup I can eat. Doesn't chicken soup taste wonderful when it hits the spot perfectly? And thank heaven for Tylenol Severe Cold which seems to keep the drippy nose under control without making me stop breathing, bless it.

Update - 4 pm - Definitely feeling better. Thanks for all the good wishes!!!

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Permalink | | posted by jau at 11:43 AM

4 more:
Blogger Barb the Evil Genius — at 8:42 PM, September 18, 2008:
I'm glad I'm Lutheran, then. When I'm sick, I'm *sick* and pampering myself is what I do. Glad you are doing better.

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Blogger jau — at 9:59 PM, September 18, 2008:
Evidently I don't know enough about Lutherans!

Thanks!!! :)

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Anonymous Anonymous — at 8:55 AM, September 19, 2008:
I almost envy your sickness. :) I haven't yet had a chance to watch more than one of the Kay Francis movies I've recorded this time around.

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Blogger jau — at 10:03 AM, September 19, 2008:
Craig - Welcome! I hadn't seen your blog before but am hooked now. My recommendation when there are so many movies to watch and so little time is to forget about sleep. It's over-rated and there'll be lots of time for that later, you know when.... I watched "It's a Date" last night and remembered, too, how much I've often liked Deanna Durbin. Anyway, have fun!!!!

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